Picture by Henrique Madeira
“Nothing is black and white. So the saying goes. Life, it's claimed, exists in the various shades of grey that occur in-between. The moments where nothing is defined, nothing certain, but open to feeling and interpretation. Alex Senna's monochromatic works remain open to interpretation, depicting intimate situations in urban environments, with a clear concept and idea yet thrives in its stark contrasts.”
Edd Norval
Compulsive Content
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"The work of Brazilian artist Alex Senna was never about it's decorative value or the painterly skills, but about the people it represents and the atmosphere inspired by everyday life. Living in a vibrant multicultural country full of opposites, he reduced his visual language to black and white silhouette-like characters in order to depict the much needed unity of his fellow countrymen. Senna's work often talks about solitude, love, friendship, passion, conformity and family. Recognized for his compelling public interventions, his work is often interacting with the surrounding or creating simple illusions with clever use of light and shadow."
Sasha Bogojev, writer
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"I have always admired certain artists’ ability to reflect life, not as it is, but as we perceive it; where emotions are more indicative of how we view the world than our senses. That’s what art is all about, right? Feeling something.
Alex Senna is an artist from São Paulo, whose expressive, lanky characters bring a softness to their urban setting. These characters and their interactions typically revolve around love and relationships, whether it be a romance between an elderly couple, playful young lovers or sentiments of a lasting friendship. Senna’s works invite their audiences into these intimate interactions and evoke a feeling of nostalgia."
Caroline Caldwell
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"It’s not often that you walk down the street and encounter an artwork that warms your heart or brings a smile to your face, but for Brazilian street artist and muralist Alex Senna, positive emotion seems to be his visual currency. His lanky black and white characters are often found in a variety of hopeful, loving, and positive scenes from a pair of lovers embracing to a family riding a bicycle. To intensify their emotional depth Senna often gives the flat characters broad shadows that stretch out larger-than-life across urban walls."
This is Colossal
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"If Os Gemeos is the street art superstar with the colorful murals that made the planet talk about them, Alex Senna is the black and white, and in my opinion more interesting, answer of the Brazilian street art. Black and white art that records the everyday life of ordinary people, often with references to social issues such as the coexistence of people with different cultures, has surpassed the borders of his homeland, Sao Paulo. "
Vangelis Makris
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”En El elogio de la sombra, Junichiro Tanizaki desarrolla una idea poderosa: mientras que en Occidente el aliado de la belleza fue siempre la luz, en la estética tradicional japonesa lo esencial está en captar el enigma de la sombra. Borges, en un poema del mismo nombre, intuyó algo similar: la oscuridad se parece, en realidad, a la dicha, pues en ella habita la memoria.
La obra del brasileño Alex Senna nos recuerda estas ideas: lo que importa es la perspectiva y la silueta que se forma. Agotado el 2D del grafiti tradicional, Senna ha vislumbrado en la perspectiva una nueva frontera. El arte, como sabemos, es una forma de ver.”
Roberto Wong
El Anaquel
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Picture by André Felipe